Judith’s core clinical training is in systemic couple and family therapy, which continues to inform her practice with individuals, couples and families. She has always maintained a keen interest in the theory and practice of couple and family therapy and has presented and published her thinking on clinical practice, both nationally and internationally. She has taught systemic couple and family therapy at post-graduate level, and has regularly provided systemic supervision to couple and family therapists.
More recently Judith’s interest has focused on Open Dialogue and dialogical practice in couple and family therapy, as a supplement to her original systemic training. This approach sits within the rich heritage and ongoing development of systemic couple and family therapy. The development of ideas within family therapy is detailed in the paper: The Milan Principles of Hypothesising, Circularity and Neutrality in Dialogical Family Therapy: Extinction, Evolution, Eviction … or Emergence?
Over the past 10 years Judith has had extensive exposure to Open Dialogue and dialogical practice. She has sought ongoing training in this approach, including the formal completion of the Finnish 2-year international psychotherapy trainers’ training in the dialogical approach to couple and family therapy. Her ongoing interest has informed her provision of seminars, teaching, supervision and training to individuals, groups and mental health teams.
Judith has professional membership in the Australian Association of Social Workers (AASW) and the Australian Association of Family Therapy (AAFT).
“The essence of some of the deepest parts of therapy seem to be a unity of experiencing ... When there is this complete unity, singleness, fullness of experiencing in the relationship, then it acquires the ‘out-of-this-world’ quality which many therapists have remarked upon ... In these moments there is to borrow Buber’s phrase, a real ‘I-Thou’ relationship, a timeless living in the experience which is between the client and me.”